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Hello and thank you for your interest in ESG. We look forward to welcoming new members this semester and working on initiatives to benefit the student body! ESG is a completely student run organization and we rely on active student participation to achieve our goals. We strive to be an organization where all Engineering students can let their voices be heard. Check out our membership opportunities below and we hope to see you at one of our meetings soon!



Committee members are the lifeblood of our organization and we rely heavily on them to work on innovative initiatives that truly impact the student body. ESG currently has 6 committees that work on initiatives to benefit the College of Engineering. Committee members pick an initiative to work on and meet once a week within their committees. Committees work on anything from helping fund student orgs to adding more compost bins to North Campus! Visit our committee page for a full description of each committee.

Anyone can join ESG as a committee member!


  • Attend weekly 1 hour committee meetings

  • Actively work on an initiative that you are passionate about

  • Volunteer ESG-run events or approved opportunities each semester


Still have more questions? Email esg.executive@umich.edu if you want to get involved!



Senators are the elected representatives of the College of Engineering. Their goal is to represent the student body in internal ESG and administration discussions. In addition to the responsibilities of a committee member, Senators attend weekly ESG Senate meetings where members get an overview of executive and other committee updates as well as vote on ESG action when appropriate.


  • Attend weekly 1-2 hour Senate meetings, discuss current events and how our organization can support students, and vote on ESG resolutions and actions

  • Join an ESG committee and attend weekly 1 hour committee meetings

  • Actively work on an initiative that you are passionate about

  • Complete 6 volunteer hours at ESG events or approved opportunities per semester


Run in the next ESG Senate Elections. We have two Senate elections per school year, one in November, and one in April! Check your email during those months to learn more about how to run!

If you have any questions, email esg.executive@umich.edu for more information, or check out our Social Media for recruiting event updates!